- Do I need to backup data that’s already in the cloud?
- Is google the computer from star trek?
- We’ll introduce you to the shiny new gadget of the month.
- And then…Yahoo is shutting off telecommuting—should you?
- Also…on the lighter side…The first computer bug was actually a moth!
- And our guest article is “The Pick-up Line” by internationally known speaker, Robert Stevenson
- This and more! Coming up on Technology Today
- The first actual computer “bug” was a dead moth stuck in a Harvard Mark II computer in 1947.
- Big banks don’t process checks and debit card charges to your account in the order they’re received, but instead use a computer program that selects the biggest amounts first and charges them against your account; emptying your account faster and resulting in more overdraft fees or profit for the banks.
- In September 1956 IBM launched the 305 RAMAC, the first ‘SUPER’ computer with a hard disk drive . The drive weighed over a ton and stored 5 MB of data.
- A computer as powerful as the human brain would be able to perform about 38 thousand trillion operations per second and hold about 3,584 terabytes of memory.
- The first entirely computer generated movie sequence in cinema history was the Genesis Device demonstration video in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. The studio that made the scene would later become Pixar.
- CAPTCHA is an acronym for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart”
- MIT has developed a computer software that can identify and distinguish a real smile from a smile of frustration.
In this episode of Technology Today…
This is “Technology Today” Insider tips to make your business run
faster, easier and more profitably.
This is episode 1 and is recorded on May 19, 2015
I’m your host, Alan Feldman and ”as a business owner, you don’t have
time to waste on technical and operational issues. That’s where my company
shines! Call us and put an end to your IT problems finally and forever!” visit
us online at virtualoctober.com or call 717-553-2614.
Do I need to back up
data that’s already in the Cloud?
The computing world is
forever changing. Over the last 15 years, SaaS (software as a service)
providers have offered the convenience of data backup for your cloud
applications such as CRM systems, SalesForce, Google Apps and Microsoft 365.
The business question is, if I’m already working with a SaaS provider and my
data is already “in” the cloud, do I really need to back up my data to another
cloud? After all, isn’t the SaaS provider doing that for me?
Well yes, and no. Yes, your
data (one of your company’s most valuable assets) is being backed up by the
service provider. And yes, it’s in the cloud.
And yes, these providers have backups to their backups…but are they
backing up your business-critical information? Can you guarantee that? And do
you have access to it in a timely manner? The answer to these questions may be
no. As a rule, SaaS providers do not open backups to customers nor do they
make restoring critical data easy or intuitive. For example, SalesForce, the
first commercially available SaaS application, does nightly customer backups.
But if you need to recover your data, you have to go directly to SalesForce
and pay a minimum of $10,000 then wait a few weeks for your data to be
There’s no question that
the results of data loss can be devastating to your company. But when it comes
down to it, it’s your company information and you need to take responsibility
for safeguarding it. You need to have a strategy in place.
Want to learn more about
how to back up your cloud SAAS applications? Contact our office at 717-553-2614 or via e-mail at
af.podcast@virtualoctober.com to schedule a time to discuss your particular
situation and what solutions are available for you.
And now our guest article…
The Pick-up Line
Robert Stevenson is a highly sought after,
internationally known speaker. He is author of the best-selling books
"how to soar like an eagle in a world full of turkeys" and "52
essential habits for success." Robert is a graduate of the Georgia
Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) and is a former all-american athlete.
He started his first business at 24 and has owned several companies. Robert
has international sales experience dealing in over 20 countries and his client
list reads like a Who's Who in Business. He has shared the podium with such
renowned names as Generals Colin Powell and Norman Schwarzkopf, former
President George H. W. Bush, Anthony Robins and Steven Covey. A link to his
website is on our blog at virtualoctober.com/blog.
In the world of dating, a successful “pick-up line” can make or break any chance of
getting to strike up a conversation with someone you would like to meet. Below
are a few examples of what some people thought were great "pick-up lines".
“I'm not a photographer, but
I can picture me and you together.”
“Can I have directions? [To
where?] To your heart.”
“I thought happiness started
with an H. Why does mine start with U?”
“Is there an airport nearby
or is that just my heart taking off?”
“You're so beautiful that
you made me forget my pickup line.”
You are probably wondering why I am addressing dating “pick-up lines” in a
business article. With profit margins being attacked from all angles, it is
important for businesses today to do everything they can to take advantage of
every consumer buying
encounter. Probably one of the most famous business pick-up lines, that
added instant profits to their bottom line, was by the fast food chain,
McDonalds: “Would
you like fries with that?” I have read where some experts have stated
that McDonald’s added an additional $20 million in profits just by asking that
one simple question.
Is your company leaving potential profits on the table, just waiting
to be scooped up, if your employees were trained in asking an additional,
simple, not pushy, question … that could possibly entice your customer to
spend more money? I believe there are thousands of companies today doing just
that. It is your job to exploit every sales channel to its fullest potential;
but you need to do so by thinking like your customers. How would they like to
be served better? What else could they possibly need, that they may have
forgotten? Sometimes just planting the seed (suggestion)
can lead to additional sales.
What else do your customers need? How can you best serve them? As long
as your “pick-up line”
doesn’t alienate customers, you should take advantage of the current selling
transaction; the “pick-up
line” technique can add a considerable amount to your bottom line. I
fly a lot, and in every Hudson Newsstand in the airports, they ask me if I
want water, candy or gum when I am buying anything in there; they do it EVERY
time. Southwest Airlines upsells better seating on planes so customers can get
early boarding and be assured of overhead space for your bags. Waiters can ask
if you want an appetizer, salad, or bread with your meal … and then after your
meal ask if you want another glass of wine, coffee or dessert.
The retail marketing giant Amazon, says their cross-selling
suggestions on their website accounts for 35% of its sales; they fully take
advantage of every opportunity they can to sell more merchandise … ARE YOU? If
you want to add additional profits to your bottom line, start perfecting your “pick-up lines”.
One thing is for certain … if
you don’t ask for it, you certainly won’t get it.
Who Wants To Win A $25
Gift Card?
Answer this effectively
What is a petaflop?
a) your dog after a long walk b) the latest toy for kids c) a measure of a computer's processing
speed expressed as: A quadrillion (thousand trillion) floating point
operations per second (FLOPS)
Send us your answer
right now! And from all the winning answers received we will randomly choose a
Here is how to send
your answer: Send your answer on the back of an Apple Watch in stainless steel
with the link band to Technology Today Podcast C/O Virtual October, PO Box
20002, York (my strange city) PA 17402.
Or you can also
send your answer via electronic methods to podcast.2015@virtualoctober.com.
$25 Gift card
contest open to US residents only, must be 18 or older.
Is Google the computer from Star Trek?
If you’ve ever seen a Star Trek episode, you’ll know that “computer”
always knew the answer to whatever the commander needed to know to run the
starship, do battles with aliens and it even made tea…Earl Grey…hot. In
business today, Google has taken on the role of answering questions and
providing information. In fact, the company name has become a verb in our
language and you can google just about anything on this easy-to-use search
“Computer” gave you one answer, Google gives you many. But there’s an
easy way to limit the responses and that’s by the way you search. If you only
want to see responses on exactly what you’re searching for, then type the minus sign at the end of your search. Another
way to limit your responses is to take advantage of Google’s specialized
search sites, for example Google’s Public Data
Explorer. This site allows you to search specifically on public
The Star Trek computer spoke every language. Google speaks 80. You can
ask Google to translate a single word by typing “translate (word) to (language)” into the search bar and you’ll
get the translated word. There’s also a Google application called Google Translate where you can type, speak or
handwrite the phrase into your device – you can even take a picture of a sign
or other text. Then it’s your choice to have Google speak the translated
phrase or display it for you.
Need an easy-to-use price-comparison site for business travel? Try
Google Flight Search. Pick your start
point and destination - or destinations - on the map, and then pick your
dates. When you pick the dates, be sure to pay attention to the prices on each
date and Google's graph of days with the cheapest tickets. Then, you can
filter the results by flight length, airline, price, stops and more. When you
find a flight you like, you can book it directly on the airline's site.
So…Like the Star Trek computer, Google provides definitions and
conversions. In the search bar, type define
(word) or convert (unit of measure) and
you can even compare nutritional values of one food item to another, just type
So is Google the computer from Star Trek? With all these features,
what do you think? Post your answer on our facebook page by searching Virtual
October on facebook.
Shiny New Gadget Of The Month:
Have you ever felt overwhelmed or even drowning with the number of
emails in your inbox?
Then Sanebox could be your answer. This month’s gadget is a
cloud-based software application that helps you manage your email. Sanebox analyzes your email behaviour on all
your devices. Then, based on which emails you let slide and which ones you
open right away, Sanebox creates rules about sorting your email for you. The
result? Your inbox only has emails you need to attend to now. All other emails
go to your SaneLater folder. You can drag and drop emails from that folder to
your inbox and from then on, those emails will display in your inbox.
Sanebox keeps you focused on high-priority emails. There’s nothing to
download. There are additional productivity features to manage tasks, your
calendar, and your attachments. And the SaneBlackhole is the fastest way to
unsubscribe from emails. See the link on our blog at virtualoctober.com/blog
for links to their website
And how about this?
A Free Report Download called What Every Small Business Owner Must Know About Protecting And Preserving Their Company’s Critical Data And Computer Systems
A Free Report Download called What Every Small Business Owner Must Know About Protecting And Preserving Their Company’s Critical Data And Computer Systems
report will outline in plain, non-technical English common mistakes that many
small business owners make with their computer network that cost them
thousands in lost sales, productivity and computer repair bills, as well as
providing an easy, proven way to reduce or completely eliminate the financial
expense and frustration caused by these oversights.
Download your FREE copy today at
Virtualoctober.com/protect or call our office at 717-553-2614.
Yahoo is shutting off telecommuting –
should you?
The recent decision of Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer to stop telecommuting
has cast a negative light on this practice. After checking the company’s VPN
log to see how many remote employees were logging in, she didn’t like what she
saw. Effective June 2015, telecommuting is no longer an acceptable practice at
Yahoo. The media excitement added to fuel to the fire for those who think that
employees working at home aren’t putting in an honest day’s work.
Mayer’s now public memo talked about communication and collaboration.
She thought the best way to make that happen is for people to be in one place.
But that’s just one opinion.
There are many companies who use telecommuting practices very
successfully. They also believe in communication and collaboration and use
tools such as: Google Hangout video chat service, Skype, or Webex to do just
that. They support these tools with products such as Office365's calendar and
collaboration system.
Telecommuters often are employees who live in other parts of the
country or even in other countries, and other time zones. After trying several
techniques to work with a remote team member, David Bloom, the CEO of tech
startup Ordr.in, now uses Google Hangout for
daily virtual meetings. He says, “We have five employees, and four of us are
in the same place, but we all log on separately. This allows us to have a
face-to-face meeting where everyone’s equal. It’s not the four of us sitting
in one place, with our colleague sitting somewhere else.” He finds this
arrangement keeps everyone accountable for their work.
Josh Siler, CTO of HiringThing, a virtual company, says it’s all about
your company culture. Siler says. “We’re trust-based, and we don’t micromanage
our employees. We judge everyone based on their output. Anyone can make their
schedule flexible, as long as they meet their commitments to their coworkers,”
he says. “Our employees know that their performance is what matters, and we
talk about it on a regular basis.”
Bloom and Siler would tell you that telecommuting is successful when
you have a culture of accountability and trust.
The Lighter Side:
Well that wraps it up, thanks for joining me, this was
Whats up Next episode?
3 Gotcha's Most IT Pros won't tell you about their cloud
How to make yourself "invisible" to hackers
The ultimate guide to setting up a work-from home system
our guest article, is 4 ways to get more performance, productivity and profits
How to make yourself "invisible" to hackers
The ultimate guide to setting up a work-from home system
our guest article, is 4 ways to get more performance, productivity and profits
Mark Sanborn, president of Sanborn & Associates,
Inc., Mark is an international best-selling author and noted authority on
leadership, team-building, customer service and change
AND….How to know when an employee is about to quit
And Lost in Translation: Advertising Blunders
And Lost in Translation: Advertising Blunders
You won't want to miss this, so subscribe to this podcast today!
And your rants, ranks and options are greatly appreciated! General
questions can be sent to podcast.2015@virtualoctober.com
I'll see you next time on "Technology Today Podcast"